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  When purchasing an ultrasonic cleaning machine, the first step is to understand how your product can be cleaned, the second is to achieve what kind of cleaning effect, the third is to estimate your company's production capacity and the maximum production capacity of the machine you want to purchase, the fourth step is to understand the cleaning process, ask your peers what kind of process they are using, or consult with ultrasonic manufacturers for updated cleaning processes, the fifth is to compare the cleaning process, price, and after-sales service guarantee of some professional production enterprises, and the sixth is to include the brand and model of materials used in the equipment, consumable prices, maintenance terms, etc. in the contract agreement when signing the contract, in order to prevent some bad production enterprises from being affected. Fraud, the seventh is acceptance. If it is a large equipment, You should try to bring your workpiece to the production enterprise for on-site inspection. The eighth step is to provide training to your company's employees after installation. Are you sure that your employees have truly learned it, rather than the installation personnel claiming that they have already been trained. 1、 Power selection2


  Ultrasonic cleaning machines sometimes use low power and take a long time without removing dirt. If the power reaches a certain value, the dirt will be quickly removed. If the power is chosen to be too high, the cavitation intensity will be greatly increased, and the cleaning effect will be improved. However, at this time, more precise parts will also produce corrosion points, and the vibration plate at the bottom of the cleaning machine will have severe cavitation, and water point corrosion will also increase. When using organic solvents such as trichloroethylene, there is basically no problem, but when using water or water-soluble cleaning solutions, it is easy to suffer from water point corrosion. If the surface of the vibration plate has been damaged, cavitation corrosion will be more severe under high power, so the ultrasonic power should be selected according to the actual use situation. 2、 Frequency selection

  超声清洗频率从28 kHz 到 120kHz 之间,在使用水或水清洗剂时由空穴作用引起的物理清洗力显然对低频有利,一般使用 28-40kHz 左右。对小间隙、狭缝、深孔的零件清洗,用高频(一般 40kHz 以上)较好,甚几百 kHz 。对钟表零件清洗时,用 100kHz 。若用宽带调频清洗,效果更良好。三、清洗篮的使用

  The ultrasonic cleaning frequency ranges from 28 kHz to 120 kHz, and the physical cleaning force caused by the action of holes when using water or water cleaning agents is clearly advantageous for low frequencies. Generally, around 28-40 kHz is used. For cleaning parts with small gaps, narrow slits, and deep holes, it is better to use high frequency (usually above 40kHz), even several hundred kHz. When cleaning clock parts, use 100kHz. If broadband FM cleaning is used, the effect will be better. 3、 Use of cleaning basket

  在清洗小零件物品时,常使用网篮,由于网眼要引起超声衰减,要特别引起注意。当频率为 28khz 时使用 10mm 以上的网眼为好。

  When cleaning small items, a mesh basket is often used, and special attention should be paid to the ultrasonic attenuation caused by the mesh. It is better to use a mesh size of 10mm or more when the frequency is 28kHz.

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